Aspen Snowmass Homes and Condos for Sale and Sold
Grantor: Walter F Bauer Trust
Grantee: John Collett and Virginia Collett Coley, Charlotte, N.C.
Property: City of Aspen lot E, block 29
Cost: $ $3.25 million
Grantor: Staff Services Co. Ltd.
Grantee: Aspen Ski LLC, Carson City, Nev.
Property: Inn at Aspen condo, unit 1104
Cost: $2.4 million
Grantor: Destination Snowmass Services, receiver of Base Village Owner LLC
Grantee: Karen Mills, Aspen
Property: Capitol Peak Lodge condo, unit 3126
Cost: $1.1 million
Grantor: Leroy Fields Orville
Grantee: John and Kathleen Buck, Chicago, Ill.
Property: Lot 9, section 16, township 9, range 85
Cost: $1 million
Grantor: Smuggler Investments LLC
Grantee: Smuggler 326 LLC, Aspen
Property: West Smuggler condo, unit 2
Cost: $5.95 million
Grantor: Aspen/Pitkin County Housing Authority
Grantee: Zoran Sestic, Aspen
Property: Benedict Commons condo, unit 12
Cost: $159,177
Grantor: Three Cubs LLC
Grantee: 83 East Fork Lane LLC, Aspen
Property: Two Creeks lot 44, parcel B
Cost: $11 million
Grantor: Edgar M and Stephanie D Larsen
Grantee: Tranquility Aspen LLC, Aspen
Property: Knollwood lot 5, block 5
Cost: $1.9 million
Grantor: Edward J and Vicki L Podolak
Grantee: Catherine E Markle, Basalt
Property: Lot 60, section 11, township 8, range 87
Cost: $645,000
Grantor: Claudia Aspen View LLC
Grantee: M&M Aspen LLC, Boca Raton, Fla.
Property: Section 17, township 10, range 84, SE4SW4
Cost: $13 million
Grantor: 719 East Hopkins Avenue LLC
Grantee: Lawrom LLC, Aspen
Property: 719 East Hopkins Avenue townhome, unit 202
Cost: $6.75 million
Grantor: James R Harper
Grantee: Kristina B Fraser and Jeffrey S Goldstein, Denver
Property: Villa of Aspen condo, unit 27
Cost: $1.4 million
Grantor: Steven R Meyer
Grantee: Thomas Denapoli, Dallas, Texas
Property: Snowmass Villas condo, unit 9
Cost: $499,500
Grantor: Sherman Family Trust
Grantee: Roaring Fork Home LLC, Mill Valley, Calif.
Property: Section 29, township 10, range 84
Cost: $6.17 million
Grantor: Lynn Bergman, Barry L Malter, Douglas A and Carol Melamed
Grantee: Douglas A and Carol Melamed, Chevy Chase, Md.
Property: Timbers Club at Snowmass condo, unit A1, club interest A1V111
Cost: $173,312
Grantor: Cottages and Castles LLC
Grantee: Mary and Neil Dorflinger, Dallas, Texas
Property: Club Suites at Roaring Fork Club, Pyramid Building unit A, 1/6 interest
Cost: $180,000
Grantor: Roaring Fork Home LLC
Grantee: Sherman Family Trust, Aspen
Property: Starwood 8, lot R58
Cost: $1.46 million
Grantor: Heather Kent
Grantee: Kelly Rosemarie, New York, N.Y.
Property: Silver Glo condo, unit AA3
Cost: $698,000
Feel free to contact me by email [email protected] or by phone (970) 319-9719.
Please contact me now for great opportunities on Aspen Homes and Condos For Sale and Snowmass Homes and Condos For Sale. Please also contact me now for more information on rentals in Aspen and Snowmass Village or see my website .
Roget Kuhn Owner/ Broker-Realtor
“An Honest Approach to Real Estate and Rentals”
Aspen Snowmass Real Estate
303 1/2 E. Main St.
Aspen, CO 81611
(970) 319-9719
Category: Aspen Snowmass Real Estate Transactions