I have been bombarded lately with this inquiry from my clients around the world. They want to know if Aspen and Snowmass real estate has hit bottom. If we look at Aspen and Snowmass Real Estate, it hit a high right as we were entering 2008. Up to its high prior to 2008, Aspen and Snowmass real estate was averaging 25 to 30% appreciation per year. That is incredible. So, what has happened since the start of 2008? Since the start of 2008 to July 2010, we have seen a correction in the market of approximately 40% down in prices. As of July 2010, we are starting to see a lot more activity from buyers trying to take advantage of this correction and get a deal. Aspen and Snowmass real estate has always been the last to feel a downturn and the first to recover in the United States due to the economy.
I think that we have probably seen the bottom in Aspen and Snowmass Real Estate and there probably won’t be a better time to take advantage of this downturn. Looking ahead to 2011, I see Aspen and Snowmass Real Estate to start improving.
It has not been uncommon for Aspen and Snowmass real estate to all of a sudden appreciate quickly. The thing with Aspen and Snowmass real estate is that it is a finite commodity because we are surrounded by the White River National Forest and supply is limited. But with everything Aspen and Snowmass has to offer to visitors and locals, demand seems to always be increasing by people from around the world. So, I feel now is the time to look at purchasing real estate in Aspen and Snowmass.
Feel free to contact me by email roget@aspen-snowmass-realestate.com or by phone (970) 319-9719.
Please contact me now for great opportunities in Aspen Real Estate and Snowmass Real Estate. Please also contact me now for more information on rentals in Aspen and Snowmass Village or see my website www.aspen-snowmass-realestate.com .
Roget Kuhn Owner/ Broker-Realtor
“An Honest Approach to Real Estate and Rentals”
Aspen Snowmass Real Estate
303 1/2 E. Main St.
Aspen, CO 81611
(970) 319-9719